Neurons Connect at U.S. Army's CyberCenter of Excellence The U.S. Army’s ‘Cyber Center of Excellence’, Fort Gordon in Augusta, Ga., hosted a multi-service ‘NetWar’ to show, and build, cyber Warrior capabilities Tuesday, June 10. Twenty-eight Soldiers, Airmen, Navy and Marine Corps computer professionals comprised four teams representing the U.S. Army’s active, reserve and National Guard with one Joint-services team that included a U.S. Special Operations Command civilian. The scenarios tasked teams to reach three kinetic objectives given notional operation orders and varying levels of difficulty. Manipulating in miniaturized city structures the mimicry encouraged communication and knowledge sharing. “It reinforces the idea of a truly blended battlefield,” Army Chief Warrant Officer 3 Sam Blaney, (center) an information and technology manager for the Georgia National Guard’s joint force headquarters in Marietta, Georgia. “It challenges us while testing our mettle to overcome in a crunch.” Team Bravo, the multi-state U.S. Army National Guard team, completed the first mission through innovation and teamwork. “They were the first to write their own script (computer specific algorithm code) and use SQLMAP (an open source database takeover tool) to clear their objective,” Tim Medin, SANS Institute CyberCity co-creator and exercise facilitator, said. (Georgia Army National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. Tracy J. Smith) SHARE: Download: Full Size (1.9 MB) Tags: Archive, U.S. Cyber Command, department of defense, the Pentagon, Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 124th mobile public affairs georgia army national guard tracy sm, brigadier general office tag adjutant general deputy state butte, Deputy Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Defense, leaders, leaders Credit: Staff Sgt. Tracy Smith VIRIN: 140610-Z-PA893-125.JPG Photo Gallery